Sunday, July 15, 2012

Why use a Top Coat?

So you have painted your nails at rich purple for a girl's night out, you will be dancing, laughing and pretty much picking up and touching various objects and taking pictures and eating ect.....but will your colored nailpolish be able to withstand the whole night without a single chip or nick.
Here are the Pro's of always applying a top coat to your Tips.
1. Gives a glossy finish
2. Your manicure will last up to a month with top coat touch up's
3. Will also protect your nails, from when you open boxes or cleaning and cooking.
4. Sparkles on a sunny day.

Here are the best top coat to trust:
1. Sally Hensen Diamond Nail Hardener and Top Coat.
2. Sally's Beauty Supply Professional Top Coat.
3. Nutra Nail Top Coat ( can be found at Walgreens and CVS)
4. Nail Magic ( Also found at Walgreens, although rather pricey..if used as a base and top coat, your nails will thank you for it greatly!)

So please make use of top coats, they are worth buying and actually down the road save you from having to keep re painting your nails.

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